This is my last week at home. I start my first
real job next Monday, and have not been this nervous in a long time. What if I forget how to do therapy? What if I cannot manage my time effectively?
sigh. Once I get started, everything will come back to me. Anyways, I want to make this week productive so that everything is in order around the house and I do not have to come home and clean (at least for the first few weeks).
Here's my list of what needs to be done:
- scrub kitchen floor
- wash walls
- clean bathrooms
- create mail organization system
- do all laundry
- dust
- tidy all rooms
- clean closets
- vacuum hardcore (move all furniture)
- finish Mr H's quilt
It doesn't seem like much when it's written, but i swear it takes me longer than most to clean (motivation has something to do with it). Wish me luck!
Good luck!! Drink a extra large coffee and turn the music up REALLY LOUD for some motivation!